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Isles of Scilly in Spring

Birds, wildlife and island culture in stunning surroundings akin to the Mediterranean!

2025 Dates
  • 25 Apr - 01 May 2025
Duration7 Days
2025 Price
£2295 pp
£220 single supplement. Deposit £400
2026 Dates
  • 24 Apr - 30 Apr 2026
Duration7 Days
2026 Price
£2495 pp
£260 single supplement. Deposit £400
Max Group Size7 per guide

The Scillies are without doubt one of the most stunning and idyllic parts of the United Kingdom, a ‘must visit’ location boasting a diverse range of wildlife opportunities. Lying 28 miles south-west of Land’s End, with shallow waters and a climate more akin to the Mediterranean, this is a fabulous place for birdwatching as migrants move north. On this spring itinerary, we stay on the largest Island, St Mary’s, visiting the four other inhabited islands on daily excursions. Famed for attracting rarities at any time of year (and while we plan to birdwatch at a more leisurely pace than our … for birders … autumn tour) we won't shy away from attractive Mediterranean overshoots such as Hoopoe, Red-rumped Swallow, Golden Oriole, Night Heron or Woodchat Shrike if known to be present.

On Tresco, we visit the world-famous Abbey Gardens, home to over 20,000 exotic plants, many of which will be beginning to bloom at the time of our visit due to the mild climate. Some of the longest and finest beaches in the Scillies are on Tresco attracting a range of waders including Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone, Greenshank and Whimbrel plus feeding Little Egret and Mediterranean Gull. If time allows, we venture to Castle Down at the north of the island where Merlin and Peregrine may be hunting and Golden Plover, Wheatear, Stonechat, pipits and wagtails may be found on moorland between two ruined castles. The views out over the reefs from tiny St Agnes are spectacular, and this is also the site of a former bird observatory A third of St Agnes is designated as ‘SSSI’, and we enjoy a pleasant amble around the island to see what we can find ensuring we have enough time to sample local Ice Cream! Bryher and St Martin’s are quieter places offering superb birdwatching potential and an interesting range of wildflowers.

During a special boat trip to a sixth island - uninhabited Annet, Puffins will be a highlight now that the island's seabird population has flourished. These enchanting birds are settling down for their breeding season, with Sandwich, Common and Arctic Tern featuring and perhaps drawing the attention of a passing Arctic Skua. Cetaceans including Harbour Porpoise, Common and Bottlenose Dolphins may be seen, along with recently arrived Basking Shark, bizarre Sunfish or even Atlantic Bluefin Tuna.

Our guides are experienced here, and a flexible approach as we explore on foot allows us to make the most of each island within the archipelago. The trip will run at a relaxed pace with time to enjoy the scenery (and the odd Cream Tea or Cornish Pasty) and the beauty of each island as well as its wildlife.

Combine this holiday with our  ‘Cornwall in Spring’ tour. 

Day 1: Friday 25 April 2025- Penzance to the Isles of Scilly
We meet in the morning at Penzance harbour to take the 'Scillonian III' ferry for the islands. Passing the West Penwith coastline, Longships and Wolf Rock lighthouses, sea-watching from the rear of the ship can be good with Gannet, Fulmar, Shag, Kittiwake, Manx Shearwater, auks, terns and skuas likely. Cetaceans such as Harbour Porpoise, Common and Bottlenose Dolphins may be seen, along with recently arrived Basking Shark. After docking at St Mary’s, the largest of the Scilly Isles we begin to explore, perhaps with a look around the Garrison or Peninnis headlands, or into Lower Moors for wildfowl, waders, Water Rail and Kingfisher. The Scillies are famed for attracting rarities at any time of year, and while we plan to birdwatch at a more leisurely pace than our …for birders… Autumn tour, we won't shy away from opportunities to see attractive Mediterranean overshoots such as Hoopoe, Golden Oriole, Night Heron or Woodchat Shrike if known to be present.

Day 2: Saturday 26 April – Tresco and the Abbey Gardens
Tresco is the second largest island and benefits from two main water bodies, the Great and Abbey Pools. Both attract wildfowl and other wetland birds, while the surrounding trees and moorland can be good for passerines. As part of our day here, we include a visit to the world-famous Abbey Gardens. The seventeen acre site, established by the island's nineteenth century owner Augustus Smith, is now home to over 20,000 exotic plants, many of which will be beginning to bloom at the time of our visit due to the mild climate. The fantastic Valhalla Museum features figureheads from nineteenth century merchant sailing vessels and early steamships wrecked around the treacherous coast. There will be time for birding too, some of the longest and finest beaches are on Tresco and waders present might include Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone, Greenshank and Whimbrel plus feeding Little Egret and Mediterranean Gull. If time allows, we venture to Castle Down at the north of the island where Merlin and Peregrine may be hunting, and Golden Plover, Wheatear, Stonechat, pipits and wagtails may be found on moorland between two ruined castles.

Day 3: Sunday 27 April – St Agnes
The southernmost of the populated isles and location of the former Bird Observatory,  a third of St Agnes is designated as ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)’. A great place to explore for birds, contributing a number of British 'firsts', we enjoy a pleasant amble around the island which is small enough to be covered on a day trip. Forests of yellow Gorse on Wingletang and Castella Downs are a sight to behold and many a Hoopoe or Wryneck has been found here over the years, while Periglis and Porth Killier beaches can be good for waders, wagtails and Rock Pipit. The Scillonian climate is much like the Mediterranean, and the network of flower fields, each shielded by Pittosporum hedgerows are a great refuge for migrant birds. At low tide the island of Gugh may be accessed by a sandbar tombolo and we may consider a walk here, though ensuring we have enough time to sample the local St Agnes Ice Cream!

Day 4: Monday 28 April – Annet boat trip and St Mary's
In the morning we take a boat trip to Annet, a small unpopulated island supporting a breeding colony of Puffin. Recently cleared of rats, the island's seabird population has flourished and Manx Shearwater and Storm Petrel have both returned to breed (though the latter do not arrive until May). Sandwich and Common Tern also breed and often draw the attention of passing Arctic Skua, and we should see Grey Seal and perhaps cetaceans too.

Later we explore St Mary’s in more detail, perhaps stretching our legs with a walk along the coastal path to the Old Town and beyond to Porth Hellick. The freshwater lagoon attracts many birds, passing wildfowl including Garganey and waders such as Snipe, Greenshank, Common, Green and Wood Sandpiper plus Kingfisher, all possible from the hides. Taking the trail through the ancient, twisted trees at Holy Vale echoes of a fairy tale and though not the easiest place to birdwatch, warblers, Spotted and Pied Flycatcher are likely while scarce Golden Oriole are regularly drawn here. A pleasant afternoon exploring the main island at a relaxed pace.   

Day 5: Tuesday 29 April – St Martin’s
Often neglected by birders in Scilly’s early days, more recently its potential has truly been realised and St Martin's lays claim to some great birding. St Martin's has a traditional feel as we walk beside row after row of flower fields, some flourishing and others neglected. We search for migrant birds, also enjoying the local Song Thrushes, Blackbirds, Robins and Dunnocks, which are incredibly tame and can hop virtually over a visitors foot! Offering more great beaches, superb island culture and fantastic views all around, we will certainly have a great day out.

Day 6: Wednesday 30 April – Bryher
Lying to the west of Tresco and about half its size, Bryher is another wonderful place to explore. Good for birdwatching, the island is special for its botany with designated ‘SSSI’ status protecting its rare, range restricted plants and flowers in some areas. During our visit we hope to find Orange Bird's-foot Trefoil, nationally scarce Hairy Bird's-foot Trefoil (though traditionally flowering later) and Dwarf Pansy – the latter a true Isles of Scilly speciality. Commoner wildflowers including Tormentil, Heath Bedstraw, English Stonecrop, Thrift, Buck’s-horn Plantain and Spring Squill bring colour and in warm weather, migrant Painted Lady and other butterflies all contribute to a varied day.

Day 7: Thursday 1 May - St Mary's and departure 
Our final day but with an afternoon sailing, we have time for birding or to explore the shops and museum within Hugh Town. On the ferry back to Penzance comes a final opportunity for sea-watching, expecting to arrive at the harbour early-evening where the holiday ends.

Please note: all itineraries are given as a guide only. Actual holiday content may vary according to the judgement of your guide, and elements beyond our control (eg weather).

Expect a wide variation in weather conditions. The Isles of Scilly can be wet and windy and you will probably experience a bit of everything, however we can expect some warm weather at this time of year. Please bring walking boots or shoes, weatherproof clothing and a small rucksack.

Our hotel is located close to the pier for access to other islands.

We are often on our feet for most of the day on this holiday. We take things at a slow pace, though will cover many miles of walking on road and through fields or across sandy beaches each day. Our excursions are usually on good trails, though desirable species are often found in inconvenient locations, involving several gates and stiles to be climbed or lengthy walks in exposed locations. 

Please note there is no vehicle on this tour so a reasonable level of fitness is essential.

What's included in your 'ISLES OF SCILLY in spring' holiday price

  • Six nights comfortable en-suite hotel accommodation on St Mary’s. Guests are never expected to share. All rooms are en-suite. Full details with your joining pack.
  • Full breakfast and dinner from Friday evening until Thursday morning, packed lunch daily.
  • All ferries and boat trips around the islands.
  • Guidance from a professional Group Leader.

What's not included in your 'ISLES OF SCILLY in spring' holiday price

  • Travel to/from Penzance. Please note, this holiday involves an early start from Penzance, and returns at approx 18:00 on the final day. We can provide details of hotel/guest house accommodation in Penzance if you wish to stay before/after the holiday.
  • Insurance, drinks and other items of a personal nature.

Other birding and wildlife holidays in Southern England

Why choose Heatherlea for your birding and wildlife holiday?

Heatherlea is one of Britain's leading wildlife holiday operators. In 2019 we celebrate our 29th Anniversary with more choice than ever, both in Scotland and overseas. Relax and enjoy yourself, as we do all the planning! Above all, we make it our business to show key wildlife to you. Our fully inclusive guided holidays concentrate on the real experience, and we take time to ensure that each of our guests enjoys everything we do.

  • We have been organising birding and wildlife holidays for 30 seasons, and have a highly experienced and capable office team. We also offer a telephone and email service outside normal office hours.
  • We are a small company, run BY birders FOR birders. Come and see!
  • Heatherlea are Mainland Scotland’s FIRST ‘5-Star Wildlife Experience!’ This is the highest available grading, classified as ‘exceptional’ by visitScotland.
  • Heatherlea hold full Tour Operator Insurance for your added protection.
  • Heatherlea is a limited company, registered in Scotland. We are also registered to pay VAT, which is included in your holiday price as quoted on this page.
  • Once your holiday is confirmed in writing by us, we promise not to surcharge the price for any reason.

About Heatherlea Holidays

Contact Information

The Mountview Hotel, Nethybridge,
PH25 3EB Scotland

T: +44(0)1479 821248
